Latest Projects

Digital Atlas Map

HTML5, CSS ,Javascript, Node.js, & Express.js - Digital Atlas Map is a web-based application that enables users to explore information about various countries. It provides details such as country names, currencies, coat of arms, country logos, languages, and more. The application may include interactive maps, search functionality, and user customization options, offering a comprehensive and visually engaging way to learn about different countries. It serves as a valuable tool for education, research, and understanding the diverse characteristics of nations.


HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Node.js & Express - ThirstQuencher revolutionizes mixology, providing a quick search for cocktails with names, types, instructions, and curated ingredients. Tailored for all, from seasoned mixologists to casual enthusiasts, the user-friendly platform ensures easy exploration of classic and trendy drinks. Unleash your inner bartender with ThirstQuencher, toasting to endless possibilities in the world of beverages.

Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

HTML5, CSS3,Javascript - Welcome to the classic game of Rock-Paper-Scissors! Prepare for a thrilling challenge as you face off against the computer. With three possible outcomes – Win, Loss, or Draw – the game tests your strategy and luck. Can you outsmart the computer and claim victory, or will it be a match ending in a draw? Get ready for a game of quick decisions and unpredictability. Let the Rock, Paper, Scissors battle begin!